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Answering 3 Questions about the Hospital Handbook Project (HHP)


More info on the Hospital Practice Handbook Project (HHP). For all the blog articles, see our Blogger hosted blog at

Answering 3 Questions about the Hospital Handbook Project (HHP)

Megan Gale

October 8th, 2021

Answering Three Questions about the Hospital Handbook Project (HHP)

This was created as a video for our YouTube Channel. You can listen to the audio version above. I will post a link to the video in our YouTube Channel farther down this page. The following text is a summary of the audio narrative. It is not word-for-word.

(1) Why did I start the HHP?

There was a need for this resource to exist. I wish it existed when I started in the hospital-based practice setting. So, eventually, I worked toward creating the resource for others who needed it as I did.

(2) What is the vision and mission of the HHP?

The HHP is the go-to resource for hospital and healthcare system-based acupuncturist employment practices and program standards. What’s unique about the HHP in this work is that we are a professional network community of hospital and healthcare system practice LAc clinicians, program managers, researchers, and more. We have multiple platforms (website, blog, and social media page & closed discussion groups) to connect hospital practice acupuncturists with each other (living resource) and to published resources.

(3) What is the biggest problem you are working to solve with your work?

Misinformation about the education, training, and professional level practice work of LAcs. The HHP helps get out information to those working in this hospital and healthcare system-based setting and their program managers about how to hire and credential LAcs as professionals. We discuss what professional practice standards are, how we engage in them, and more.

Acupuncturists are health care professionals with a graduate healthcare degree (master’s or doctorate) from an accredited program. The Bureau of Labor and Statistics (BLS) Standard Occupational Code (SOC) for acupuncturists is 29-1291 Acupuncturist. For more about how to hire & credential an LAc in a U.S. hospital or healthcare system, see The New Hospital Employee (0-5+ years), which is the LAc perspective. For the manager or hospital admin perspective, we have an additional set of resources. Send a message via the contact page if you are interested.

In the community, we have examples and have the ability to share examples of how LAcs work in various practice settings. We discuss best practices in employment and program standards in hospital and healthcare system-based work. Some of this work is in Issues in Hospital-based Practice webinar series, and some of it is in other resources we have created or are in the process of creating.

To join the community and access some or all of this content, learn more at this blog article.

Community News & Updates

If you’d like to catch up on our latest work, I recommend reading some of our recent newsletters (see link in button below).

Community News & Updates—Video version

I’m trying out some audio community news updates on our YouTube Channel here. However, all the community news & updates in all formats is only available to community members. Join the community to access more content.

Interested in supporting this not-for-profit community resource work?

Choose cups of virtual coffee/tea/cocoa at our “Support the Project” page.

Or, if you would like to sponsor some of the work, check out our “Sponsorship” page and send us a message via the contact page.

Support in Cups of Coffee/Tea/Hot Cocoa

In other words, writing & research fuel.😀☕☕ Fuel the nonprofit’s work in amounts that are equivalent to buying Megan and our team of volunteers one small cup or more of ☕coffee, tea, or cocoa☕ at a coffee shop while she writes content and coordinates community for the Hospital Handbook Project (a program of the Society of Hospital & Healthcare System-based Acupuncturists).😊 Your purchase directly supports the operating costs of our new (as of March 2023) nonprofit, The Society of Hospital & Healthcare System-based Acupuncturists.

Thank you!

As of 11/2024, our Give Butter donation integration is connected. Please go to our donation page to support us and get your receipt for tax purposes: or

As of 4.1.2023, The Hospital Handbook Project for Acupuncturists and Their Hospital Sponsors is a program of the Society of Hospital & Healthcare System-Based Acupuncturists, a nonprofit organization.

Society of Hospital & Healthcare System-Based Acupuncturists 501(c)(3) Federal Tax ID: 92-3035973