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HHP Events, Past and Future

Events page for The Hospital Handbook Project (HHP) for Acupuncturists and Their Hospital Sponsors.

See past, current, and future scheduled events here.

Filtering by: conference

HHP Attending the Society of Acupuncture Research Conference
to May 21

HHP Attending the Society of Acupuncture Research Conference

  • Google Calendar ICS

The HHP will be attending the Society of Acupuncture Research (SAR)’s 2023 conference in May 2023!

Two members of the HHP’s Employment Practices Workgroup (Megan Kingsley Gale and Ryan Davenport) will also be presenting a workshop on team-based care for healthcare system acupuncturists.

The conference this year is May 18th - 21st, 2023, and hosted in New York City, New York, U.S.A.

The HHP’s Employment Practices Workgroup is honored to be presenting a workshop at the SAR Conference.

This workshop is our first public presentation on our team-based care resource work for the HHP. The HHP, as of April 1st, 2023, became a program of the new nonprofit, Society of Hospital & Healthcare System-based Acupuncturists.

Click on this event’s title to learn more, and, if you are attending our presentation, download the slide deck.

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The First Inpatient Acupuncture Conference, Jan 21st, 2023
6:00 AM06:00

The First Inpatient Acupuncture Conference, Jan 21st, 2023

The first Inpatient Acupuncture Conference. A virtual conference hosted by the HHP.

Planned and coordinated by the HHP’s Inpatient Acupuncture Discussion Group.

Post-conference materials (including recordings 🎥🎥 of some sessions) are now available in the HHP community discussion platform at Tier 2. See the community discussion platform for options that include access to the Inpatient Acupuncture conference materials.

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