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Safety Practices Workgroup: Safety Practices for LAcs and Their Programs


More info on the Hospital Practice Handbook Project (HHP). For all the blog articles, see our Blogger hosted blog at

Safety Practices Workgroup: Safety Practices for LAcs and Their Programs

Megan Gale

The Society of Hospital & Healthcare System-Based Acupuncturists, a nonprofit 501c3 organization, is home to the Hospital Handbook Project for Acupuncturists (HHP).

HHP is a collaborative learning network for healthcare system-based LAcs and program managers.

We are the home of the healthcare system-based acupuncturist community network

Safety Practices Workgroup: Safety Practices for LAcs and Their Healthcare System-Based Programs

landing page for this workgroup’s past and current work

last updated 01.07.2025

Logo for the Safety Practices Workgroup. Bright yellow color with images of a "caution sign," a safety cone, a biohazard symbol, a fire sympbol, and a radioactivity caution symbol.

This is the logo for the SOHHA Safety Practices for Acupuncturists’ Workgroup. It includes images of an orange safety cone, a biohazard graphic, a radioactive material graphic, and a flame of fire graphic.

Safety Practices Workgroup

The HHP Safety Practices Workgroup began in November 2021 as a unique workgroup. Before dedicating a workgroup to this, safety was considered a "essential topic" we posted about regularly. In 2021, a small group of community members decided it was time to have a workgroup dedicated just to communicating about safety practices for LAc clinicians, leads, and managers working in the healthcare system setting. While safety is always a big part of what we do as clinicians, it has added complexity in the healthcare setting, especially with the High-Reliability Organization (HRO) model being adopted by more healthcare systems.

Who may find the Safety Practices presentations and community discussions useful?

  • Any provider or healthcare professional new to working in a healthcare system-based setting in the U.S.

  • Safety leads and program managers who work with integrative health professionals

  • All LAcs working in or interested in working in healthcare system-based practice, whether at an urban hospital, a county clinic, an academic medical center, a rural FQHC, or in federal practice (VA, DoD, IHS, etc..)

  • The Safety Practices Workgroup’s work improves colleagues’ communication on “safety” for acupuncturists in healthcare system-based practice.

    • What we do to get this info to colleagues:

      • Asynchronous discussions in the HHP discussion platform

      • Presentations (like today)

      • Developing a reference document that is available to purchase from our website store. (work in progress)

Upcoming Live Presentations from this Workgroup

Past Presentations and their Post-session Materials

You can learn more about our Safety Practices Workgroup's work and its public presentations so far in these articles or links:

Why attend one of the Safety Practices Workgroup’s Presentations on “Safety Practices for LAcs in Healthcare System-based Practice”?

Here are a few slides that explain the what and why of the work. For more about the November 2022 presentation and its recorded contents, check out the Nov. 2022 event page here.

Who may find the Safety Practices presentations and community discussions useful?

  • Any provider or healthcare profession that is new to working in a healthcare system-based setting in the U.S.

  • Safety leads and program managers who work with integrative health professionals

  • All LAcs working in or interested in working in healthcare system-based practice, whether at an urban hospital, a county clinic, an academic medical center, a rural FQHC, or in federal practice (VA, DoD, IHS, etc..)

  • The Safety-in-Practice workgroup’s work improves colleagues’ communication on “safety” for acupuncturists in healthcare system-based practice.

    • What we do to get this info to colleagues:

      • Asynchronous discussions in the HHP discussion platform

      • Virtual Presentations (both live synchronous and recorded past presentations)

      • Developing a reference document available to purchase from our website store (work in progress).