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Introduction to Safety-in-Practice for LAcs and Program Managers

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Introduction to Safety-in-Practice for LAcs and Program Managers

Live (Zoom)Event: 

Introduction to Safety-in-Practice for Acupuncturists and Program Managers

Quality Assurance, Quality Improvement Processes, Patient Safety, and Workplace Safety

How they relate to the healthcare system-based LAc clinician and acupuncture program manager

What this is

This is the first presentation from the HHP's "Safety-in-Practice" Workgroup. It will be hosted live, on zoom Saturday, Sept. 10th, 2022, starting at 0900 Pacific time.

  • If you are working in healthcare system-based practice or private practice, this is an introduction to this major topic with time for community discussion.

  • This presentation is an introduction to safety-in-practice categories and subtopics. So, it is recommended for all levels and roles related to LAcs in clinical practice. (students, private practice clinicians, healthcare system-based LAcs & program admin.)

  • The presentation is geared toward those working in healthcare systems, particularly those with an interest in "High-Reliability Organizations (HROs). However, all topics covered have some relevance to any clinical setting. 

Who can attend?

While the content in this presentation was written for the audience of healthcare system-based LAcs, program managers, and their safety leads, this live, virtual event is also open to acupuncture students & educators, private practice LAcs, and those interested in working in the U.S. healthcare system setting.

See the FAQ section below for details on tickets and registration.

What is the HHP's "Safety in Practice" workgroup?

This workgroup looks at safety, accountability, and transparency issues affecting LAcs working in healthcare system-based practice. This includes quality assurance, quality improvement processes, patient safety, and workplace safety. Some of these issues and standard operating procedures (SOPs) are ever-green. Some of them are new topics in the healthcare field. Identifying the categories, topics, and related resources are essential to successfully working in the healthcare system setting.

With an increased focus on safety, accountability, and transparency in the new High-Reliability Organization (HRO) model of healthcare, there has been an increased emphasis on identifying and understanding these issues. And how to develop processes around these issues that help you and your team improve over time. (This is part of the model of continuous learning & continuous improvement that the HHP encourages.)

With the HRO model, safety/accountability/transparency are tied in with (a) leadership skills on individual and organizational levels and (b) organizational culture.

Topics covered in the 9/10/2022 Presentation

The September Safety in Practice Workgroup public presentation covers:

  1. Review of what the workgroup is and its goals

  2. Identifying the categories of topics and resources in Safety, Accountability, and Transparency that affect and/or apply to licensed acupuncturists (LAcs) working in healthcare system-based practice

  3. Build language and awareness of the safety-related topics and policies you already engage in and those you may not have been aware of prior to this presentation

  4. Sharing current resources available or identified on these topics so far.

As of January 2024, the recording of this presentation has been moved to SOHHA’s community discussion platform hosted on Mighty Networks.

Frequently Asked Questions 🤔

How do I access the recording(s)?


  • Recordings of live HHP events are never guaranteed because of the variability with technology, glitches, etc., with live virtual events.

  • However, I do plan to record this live session. When/if the recording is successful, I will post an update about it in the HHP email newsletter.

Will CEUs/PDAs be available?


The HHP is not able to afford to submit to any organization (NCCAOM, California, etc.) to be able to offer CEUs or PDAs at this time.

Want to support this work? You can do any of the following to help us reach our goal of covering our basic operating costs:

  1. Join the HHP discussion platform as a Tier 1 or Tier 2 subscriber

  2. Encourage colleagues to buy a ticket to any of our HHP-hosted events, such as this one

  3. Encourage colleagues, your workplace, and your alma mater to donate to or sponsor the HHP's nonprofit work

Thank you to everyone who supported this event.

Interested in our programs and workgroups? 

You can download our "current programs at the HHP" pdf here. And then, I recommend subscribing to our email newsletter to learn about the latest news and updates for our work.

The Society for Hospital & Healthcare System-Based Acupuncturists is a 501(c)(3) public charity. All or part of your donation may be tax-deductible as a charitable contribution. Please consult with your tax advisor. Federal Tax ID # 92-3035973.